I love Wicked for so many reasons: the music, the costumes, the dancing, the cool set and special effects, the connection to literature. But, mostly, I love the lessons that it teaches about standing up for what you believe in, looking beyond the obvious because things aren't always as they seem, and giving people a chance to show you how good they can be. I cry every time when I hear "For Good" and I think about all of the people who have impacted my life. Thank you to you all reading this, it is true for me that "so much of me is made of what I learned from you."
If you haven't seen the show, find tickets somewhere and see it at the first chance you get. And buy good seats...they're worth it. :)

I agree! By the way, thanks for all the things you have taught me. There are many moments where I find myself laughing at the funny things we did and how much fun we had together. Ok, and I know we had our rough spots, but I learned and grew from those too. Thanks for being your own person and even challenging me some times (more then I would have liked). You are great and you have wonderful things happening to you right now and I am so excited for you.
I really enjoyed seeing Wicked. I went thinking that I was seeing it because Robyn would enjoy it but I walked away very glad that I had the opportunity to see it. I loved the music, the humor, the story, the lessons, it was all great!
Robyn, "but, then, I guess we know there's blame to share, and none of it seems to matter anymore..."
I'm glad we got past the rough spots and have developed such a good friendship!
I hope to see it someday. I like the message it sounds like it conveys. It sounds like it is inspiring and uplifting. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.
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