Thursday, April 23, 2009

Leavin' on a Jet Plane...

It's official. I bought a plane ticket tonight for my trip to Washington D.C. and New York City in June! I'm SOOOO excited. I haven't been to D.C. since 2000, and I've NEVER been to NYC, which is a tragedy considering my love for Broadway. My roommate and I are going for a week and a half, and I can't wait to embark upon that grand adventure.

Things I'm excited for in D.C.--

1) Seeing Kevin and Dana

2) Going to the Holocaust museum

3) Exploring the Smithsonian

4) Visiting all the monuments...not in 20 degree weather this time :)

5) Going to various and sundry other place of historical significance...suggestions?

Things I'm excited for in NYC--


2) The Empire State Building

3) Carnegie Deli

4) Central Park

5) Shopping

6) Riding the subway (yes, I know it's disgusting)

Anybody have any tips on what to do while we're there?


Jeff said...

That sounds like a great trip. I hope you have tons of fun. My family took a trip to that area right before my mission it was way awesome.

Dana said...

Hi Meg. Kev and I are so excited to have you visit! We can't wait to show you our new home, see more of DC, and just visit with you. By the way, I really want to see the Holocaust Museum too. We still haven't made it to that one.

Robyn said...

I am WAY excited for you. If I wasn't going to Hawaii I might ask if I could tag along. Well, have fun and tell me all about it when you get home!