Monday, March 30, 2009

Confession #2

Which would you choose?

I so enjoyed the relief that I felt after last week's confession about my stuffed animals :), that I decided to continue the trend. Here it goes...

If someone were to give me the choice between chocolate cake and a bowl of fresh fruit, I'd pick the fruit.

I know, some people might say that my preference is an insult to womanhood, America, humanity, or all three, but the truth is simple: I just LOVE fruit.

Maybe it's because I grew up in the central valley of California, which arguably has some of the best fruit on the planet. Maybe it's because my Mom cut back significantly on my sugar intake after I got 15 cavities in one trip to the dentist (sorry, Mom). But maybe it's just because fruit is SOOOOO good. I mean, how can you go wrong with fruit? It's sweet, juicy, and it doesn't make you sick afterward. It's natural goodness!

I will say, however, that not all fruit is created equal. I'm partial to strawberries, pineapple, and nectarines (white ones, especially). Though, when it comes down to it, as long as it's ripe and fresh, I'm a happy camper. I still miss being home for all the farmer's markets in the summertime. One time, I even smuggled a half flat of strawberries back on the plane in my carry on luggage.

So, fruit, thank you for bringing so much joy to my life for the last 24 years. I look forward to many more days of enjoying your presence in my life! :)

P.S. - Mom, I'm sorry about that day that you bought strawberries from the roadside stand and I screamed until you gave me one to eat in my car seat. I just really like them, and they're so good when they're still warm from the sun.


Robyn said...

I miss my cali fruit too, but you know my other favorite place to get fruit is? Hawaii, I just bought our plane tickets tonight and I am SUPER excited to have pinapple in the morning and other tropical goodness for a whole week! (sorry, but NY is fun too)

Jeff said...

I love fruit with every fiber of my being. I think I even love it more than chocolate. Although, I think the two go quite well together. I pick chocolate covered fruit. Final Answer.

Meg said...

Good idea, Jeff! I think you win the million dollar prize! Now, I just have to find a financial backer...

Carol said...

We are watching the strawberry fields every day, trying to catch a glimpse of the first red berries. In a few weeks the roadside stands will open and then it truly will be spring in the valley. Wish there was an easy way to get some berries to you. And no, I never minded you screaming for strawberries. It just made me laugh!

Holly June said...

Hmmm, how about combining the strawberries with the chocolate? Bonus! I must say that as much of a chocolate lover that I am, I have REALLY been craving fruit during my pregnancy. Unfortunately, I am not in sunny CA, but in winter-y Minnesota. :( So, I've had to make due with chocolate. :)

Unknown said...

We must be on the same wavelength... we had fresh strawberries for dessert last night (and I even added some of the chocolate fudge from Courtney's wedding to a few of them :)