Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm a Winner!

Important fact: I never win anything. I was always the kid in elementary school that went home with the consolation tootsie roll prize after rousing games of BINGO where other children got walkmen or free sodas or passes for free homework assignments.

This week, however, the fates turned in my favor. Here's how: I regularly read a blog called "Real Mom Kitchen" that is written by a woman who posts one new recipe each day. The cool thing about this blog is that her recipes are for food that people might actually want to eat and (better yet) for food you can find the ingredients for, rather than crazy gourmet stuff that most of us don't have the time to make, even if we could muster the inclination. Anyway, the blog is cool, so I read it. A few weeks ago, they had a giveaway for a "summer family fun pack". All you had to do to enter was comment on the post, so I did, not thinking anything of it, but figuring that I may as well try.

Lo and behold, the next week, I got an email from the blogger saying that I'd won! Wahoo! Here's what I got in the mail a week later:
Free movie passes and candy, Bees' baseball game tickets and t-shirts, Hogle Zoo tickets and stuffed elephants (so cute!), and a digital camera! Did I say WAHOO?!

I'm thoroughly enjoying my prizes and looking forward to having some free fun with friends this summer. In fact, I've already been enjoying the camera. Here are a few pictures I've taken of my summer adventures thus far (keep in mind, I've only had the camera for a week, so I don't have anything TOO exciting to document...yet).

Me at Red Butte Gardens enjoying a "small" rest.

View from Neff's canyon

View of Graham and me in Neff's canyon


Holly June said...

a) you are so gorgeous and your hair is soooo long and pretty!
b) congrats on your winnings!
c) cute boy! (It is the first I have seen of him!)
d) I miss you tremendously. When do you start school again in August? We will be in the area from the 20th to the 27th. I need to see you. It's been nearly 3 years. :(

Jeff said...

Congratulations on winning! I never win anything either. Maybe it is my turn to win now.

Graham said...

Jeff Stockett, You're a winner!!!! You have won a free screening of the Bourne Ultimatum at the Turnberry Cinemas!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!

Megan, I hope you don't mind my using your blog as a forum for my giveaways. Great post btw!

Burma家銘ege said...
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Jeff said...

I'm so glad I won!

Robyn said...

I am so glad you like your giveaway. Fun will be the adjective of choice for your Summer!

Tanaya and Tim said...

I'm so excited for you! And I agree with Holly. Your hair is very long and pretty! I'm excited to see more pictures with your new camera.