Thursday, August 27, 2015

Photo-A-Day Challenge: Week 32

August 19: Double Trouble
I don't plan these things...really.

August 20: Lights Out
Logan is learning all sorts of new skills these days, like turning the lights on and off...and on and off...and...

August 21: Splish Splash Pad
We discovered such a cool splash pad last week that's right by the Sandy amphitheater. Both boys loved exploring it. I'm so excited to go there many more times.

August 22: Feeling Close to Home
The California fires in the Sierra Nevada mountains are close to my heart. Each morning that we woke up to smoky sunrises last week made me pray for the firefighters and for the mountains that hold so many dear childhood memories.

August 23: Big Eater
Logan started being a really picky, capricious eater last week. After some frustrating mealtimes, we finally figured out the problem...he wants to use a fork and spoon. Things he refuses to eat with his hands (or be fed), he will happily scoop and spear on his own. Let the battle for independence commence!

August 24: Every Boy Needs a Catapult

August 25: Natural Curiosity
This week was the last $2 Tuesday for this year, so we took a great trip to the Museum of Natural Curiosity. Till next year!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Photo-A-Day Challenge: Week 31

August 11: Water Lilies

I love $2 Tuesdays at Thanksgiving Point in August. Last week, we went to the garden with my sister. Fun sister catch-up time, kid play time, and photographer eye-candy time.

Handsome Boy

Secret Garden
He opened this door and played peek-a-boo over and over again.

August 12: Dinosaurs Make Everything More Fun
We've entered the dinosaur phase...and I'm actually loving it. I think it's fascinating to learn about them, and we've used these little dinosaur toys for all sorts of learning games: math, patterns, sorting, and some good old-fashioned roaring. :)

August 13: Temple Peace
I don't get to the temple as often as I'd like these days, but I carved out some time early Thursday morning. It was so calm and quiet that early in the morning as I walked up to the door; it almost matched the perfect peace inside.

August 14: Zoned Out
Sometimes it's really nice after a busy morning at the park, zoo, museum, or library to come home and give everybody a little downtime watching PBS Kids. Each boy has "his" spot on the couch, and they love to snuggle in and zone out for a bit.

August 15: Pure Pie Bliss 
Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake pie. My own creation. Too bad I never got to taste it because I took it to our stake fair and it was eaten before I got a slice. I guess I'll just have to make it again.
(Also featured in the background are the sweet flowers my awesome husband brought home for me on Friday. That guy is a keeper.)

August 16: Dryer Man
Our little explorer managed to climb into the dryer all by himself on Sunday. Yes it terrified me to find him there...and, yes, I'm now making sure that both the dryer door and the laundry room door are kept closed.

August 17: Friendly Flower

August 18: Pony Ride

This week for $2 Tuesday we planned to go to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point, and we did, but we got through it faster than expected, so I decided to really make it an outing and visit Farm Country, too (It was only $2 dollars after all). Will was so excited to ride a pony, even though he had to wait in a ridiculously long line to do it. He was so patient, and I was proud of him for his good attitude.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Photo-A-Day Challenge: Week 30

July 31: Color
I think this toy is so cool. So does pretty much everyone who sees it. And it photographs well. :)

August 1: Running Family

August 2: Primping

August 3: Missed Day

August 4: Water Party
Will finally earned the water party he's been working toward for a long time (potty-training related). I had actually wanted to do one anyway this summer, but it worked out well to make it an incentive for him. My boys were both exhausted after 3 hours in the sun, but we had a good time.

August 5: Chalk Art

August 6: Handyman Will
Will was so excited when I showed him this little drill (which is real) and let him help put up this rack for the entryway. 

August 7: Target Trip

August 7: I Can Climb!

August 8: Balloon Festival

August 9: Mess Maker

August 10: Decorating
I've had these prints for almost a year, but I finally put them up.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Photo-A-Day Challenge: Week 29

July 23: Bountiful Handcart Days Parade

July 24: Red Butte Gardens Photo Fun

July 25: Pioneer Day Fireworks

July 26: The Demise of the Waffle Iron

Logan grabbed the cord of the waffle iron last weekend and pulled it off the island. It didn't survive. After being really frustrated, I decided to just be grateful that it dented my floor and not my baby. The really sad news. I can't find a waffle iron like this one anywhere to replace it. Anyone have a waffle iron to recommend?

July 27: Grateful

Graham was rear-ended during his commute to work on Monday...and the guy fled the scene. Not the ideal way to start the week. But, I am so grateful. Graham is fine. We have insurance. The police caught the guy who hit Graham, and he has insurance that will cover repairs. The kids weren't in the car. So many things to be thankful for. 

July 28: Imagination

July 29: Prehistoric Experimentation
Yes, his dinosaurs are swimming in lava.

July 30: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

We went to the zoo on Thursday, and this fella was relaxing in the water right next to the viewing window.