Friday, May 22, 2015

Photo-A-Day Challenge Part 19

May 15: Making Faces
I love this boy. I don't understand him, but I love him.

May 16: Roommates for Life
These are two of the three girls I lived with during almost all of college. I'm so grateful they were with me during some of the most fun and turbulent times of my life. Love you girls! 
And, Kristy, why didn't you hop on a plane and join us?

May 17: Happy Birthday Will...Part Two
We had a family birthday party for Will on Sunday, and he thoroughly enjoyed himself. 
The cake was his choice of designs. Perfect for my little train conductor.

May 18: Leaning Tower of Harr Boys
Early Monday morning all my boys started getting sick, so there was way too little sleep and way too much laundry the next day.
Still, I managed to snap a picture of them all piled together watching a movie. 

May 19: Ten Month Photo Shoot
It took me awhile to carve out the time to get some photos of this little charmer to mark 10 months. But, he's still cute, so there no harm done. :)

May 20: First Haircut
I finally did it. And now I feel like my baby is less of a baby. Sad mama moment.

May 21: Three Years Old
I have wanted to take a shot like this for awhile, but I didn't know if Will would cooperate. It may have taken a small amount of bribery, but he agreed to have his picture taken...and afterwards proceeded to send all the cars flying across the kitchen floor.

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