Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Photo-A-Day Challenge: Part 6

February 12: Relaxing in the Sun 

February 13: Oops
I spent most of this day trying to keep my children alive without having to move, no pictures. 24-hour stomach bugs are no fun! But I took extra pictures on Valentine's to make up for the miss.

February 14: True Love
This boy sure loves Cars, especially Mater, who he calls "Milla"

Aftermath of Decorating Valentine's Cookies

My baby eagles in their nest at the Hogle Zoo

February 15: Roses are Not Just Red
Thanks, Valentine!
(Oh, and believe it or not, this image is straight out of the camera. The colors really are that brilliant.)

February 16: Finger Painting Fun

February 17: Sleeping Cars
Clearly, if you turn them upside down and put them on blocks, they go to sleep.

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