Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We the people...

I have spent the last week rediscovering my love for history and getting all geared up for the most patriotic holiday of the year! Last Thursday, I left for DC with my roommate, Emily. We had an easy flight, though we got into Baltimore at 11:30 at night. Kevin and Dana, who were gracious enough to host us while we were there, picked us up and we pretty much just went to bed.

Here's a brief overview of the trip.

1) Air and Space Museum (so much cooler when Kevin tells you why all of the stuff matters), flight simulators (if you ever go to DC, this is a fun splurge. Upsidedown is fun, just make sure you put your hair back so it doesn't block the projector. It's hard to fly blind.)
2) Lunch in the gardens next to the Smithsonian castle.
3) American History Museum (the star-spangled banner exhibit is cool.)
4) The Holocaust Museum (very moving, especially since the memorial for the fallen security guard was earlier that day).
5) Dinner in Georgetown.

1)Gettysburg - Wow, I learned so much this day. We spent the whole day exploring. If you go, get a personal tour guide. It's SOOO worth it.
2)Five Guys Burgers and Fries for dinner with Kevin and Dana.

1) Church with the Knells in the Kentlands Ward
2) Arlington National Cemetery
3) FDR monument, Jefferson Monument, Picnic with my old roommate Tanaya and her husband, Lincoln Memorial, Korean War memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, WWII Memorial

1) Mt. Vernon - If this house ever goes up for sale, I will mortgage my right arm to buy it. Beautiful!
2) Paddle boats on the Tidal basin (fun, but hot!)
3) National Archive

1) Tour the capitol (after a "mysterious package" closed down the whole place and delayed us a half-hour). Next time, I want to make sure I contact a senator or rep. so I can get a better tour and tickets to congressional sessions.
2)Library of Congress. Pretty impressive architecture. Someday, I will get a library card and check a book out to study from in the cool big room.
3)Washington Monument
4)Ice cream break!
5) Folger Shakespeare Library and Gardens. This sounds a lot cooler than it is. I would like to see a show performed here sometime, but it's not much of a tourist stop. Still, it was nice to escape tourists for a little bit and see a part of town with a little bit of a more authentic feel to it.
6) Union Station
7) Heading to New York!


Carol said...

Action packed visit! Can't wait to see your pics of NYC.

Robyn said...

Nice, your trip is a lot more packed in then ours is. Right now I am just sitting in the kitchen feeling the cool breeze on my back and eating cereal with Jeff. Sounds like you are having fun. (We are too) See ya when we both get back home.

Paul and Susan said...

Paul and I were there a year ago, right around the 4th of July. I'm impressed with how much you have seen and done. We weren't able to squeeze in all of that. I'm glad you are getting to see so much. I've never been to New York, so you will have to tell me about that!