Day 15: Memory
Last Saturday we went up Big Cottonwood canyon with some of Graham's family to make foil dinners and s'mores. I LOVE campfires. It's one of those smells that instantly returns me to childhood camping trips to Princess Campground. There are few things better than a perfectly roasted marshmallow (except maybe a perfectly roasted Starburst...but that's another topic altogether).
Last Saturday we went up Big Cottonwood canyon with some of Graham's family to make foil dinners and s'mores. I LOVE campfires. It's one of those smells that instantly returns me to childhood camping trips to Princess Campground. There are few things better than a perfectly roasted marshmallow (except maybe a perfectly roasted Starburst...but that's another topic altogether).
Day 16: Soft
Day 17: Dramatic
I feel like this fire should be on the cover of The Hunger Games or The Lord of the Rings. I think it's what one would call...epic.

Day 18: Gift
Best gift I ever got. And he even arrived in time for Mothers Day this year. Now, that's service. Those storks know how to run a business.
Best gift I ever got. And he even arrived in time for Mothers Day this year. Now, that's service. Those storks know how to run a business.
Day 19: One
I took this picture yesterday. You can't see what a dark and gloomy day it was in the picture, but this single bright yellow flower made my day.
I took this picture yesterday. You can't see what a dark and gloomy day it was in the picture, but this single bright yellow flower made my day.
Day 20: Low Angle
This is one of Will's favorite games these days. It's one of the best ways to get big smiles out of him. If I'm really lucky and he's in a good mood, sometimes I even get a laugh. Oh, how I live for his giggles.
This is one of Will's favorite games these days. It's one of the best ways to get big smiles out of him. If I'm really lucky and he's in a good mood, sometimes I even get a laugh. Oh, how I live for his giggles.
Day 21: High Angle
Will and I drove up in the canyon yesterday because I wanted to take some pictures. He was a little cranky on the way there (he has a testy relationship with his car seat), but once I got him out of the car, he was in awe of the world around him. It was a little tricky taking pictures of him while squatting on the ground and propping him on my knee, but we made it work.
Will and I drove up in the canyon yesterday because I wanted to take some pictures. He was a little cranky on the way there (he has a testy relationship with his car seat), but once I got him out of the car, he was in awe of the world around him. It was a little tricky taking pictures of him while squatting on the ground and propping him on my knee, but we made it work.
Day 22: Black and White
I didn't take this one, but I love it. We took family pictures last Tuesday, and it was quite the adventure. Despite our best efforts to be prepared, the experience was extremely stressful. Will wouldn't eat very well before, and he spit up on his outfit and Graham's right before the shoot, so he was really cranky for the rest of the short 45 minutes we had. I came home and cried because I was so exhausted, and I wasn't sure if the pictures were even going to turn out. Then I cried again when I went to look at the proofs that afternoon because I was shocked that some of them actually turned out well...and because I was still exhausted. I think this picture really captures Will's curious personality. He's ALWAYS looking around and trying to understand the world.
I didn't take this one, but I love it. We took family pictures last Tuesday, and it was quite the adventure. Despite our best efforts to be prepared, the experience was extremely stressful. Will wouldn't eat very well before, and he spit up on his outfit and Graham's right before the shoot, so he was really cranky for the rest of the short 45 minutes we had. I came home and cried because I was so exhausted, and I wasn't sure if the pictures were even going to turn out. Then I cried again when I went to look at the proofs that afternoon because I was shocked that some of them actually turned out well...and because I was still exhausted. I think this picture really captures Will's curious personality. He's ALWAYS looking around and trying to understand the world.
Day 23: Sunset
This is more of a "late afternoon" shot, I suppose, but I love the soft light that comes at the end of the day. This picture makes me feel all warm inside, like I'm still sitting in the sunshine.
Day 24: Blessings
Do you remember the remake of the Christmas movie Miracle on 34th Street? I love that the little girl's Christmas wish isn't for a bike or a doll or something else trivial that will likely break or be outgrown in a matter of weeks or months. Instead, what does she want? A house, a brother, and a dad. I feel like I'm Mara Wilson at the end of the movie when her wish really comes true...except my wish for so many year has been a house, a husband, and a child. And now I have them. I am blessed.'s a bonus picture, because it makes me smile. That's my boy.