Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My sister, Ann, recently posted about a quilt that she made. It got me thinking about my own most recent project: a baby quilt that took approximately FOREVER to make, but was really fun. It was my first experiment with actually "quilting" rather than tying a quilt. This one went to my friend Katie for her little boy. It's an "I Spy" quilt inspired by my mother.

Like it? (Please say yes. If the answer is no, I don't want to hear it:).)

I love quilting. To me, it's magical to see seemingly meaningless bits of fabric come together to form a really cool, and useful, piece of art. As I sat staring at this quilt when I finished it, I couldn't help thinking that it's a lot like life: we go through seemingly trivial events of daily life, but somewhere along the line we begin to see how those pieces fit together and have turned into the masterpiece that is a human life. When I look back, I can see the the uneven stitches and imperfections of how my corners line up with each other. Sometimes, we even have to rip out seams all together and start over (not that I have EVER had to do that...ugh). But I can also see how the experiences of my life have come together to shape who I am today. So, even if my quilt is a little crooked, I'm grateful for the loving eyes that look past the minor imperfections to see the value of the whole product. And, I look forward to adding to my quilt. After a lot of work (and the help of the master creator) the masterpiece will be something pretty amazing to behold. In the meantime, it's still pretty nifty. :)


Jeff said...

I like the quilt. I also like the metaphor. I'm excited to see the finished product that we all come up with throughout the eternities.

katie said...

I love my new quilt! When I am fussy my mommy will tell me about all of the cool squares and I can't stop looking at at all of the colors. I think it's perfect. My mommy says the metaphor is perfect and the quilt is even more meaningful to her. I guess she'll explain it to me when I learn what a metaphor is. Love,
Ethan...the baby blogger

katie said...

I love my new quilt! When I am fussy my mommy will tell me about all of the cool squares and I can't stop looking at at all of the colors. I think it's perfect. My mommy says the metaphor is perfect and the quilt is even more meaningful to her. I guess she'll explain it to me when I learn what a metaphor is. Love,
Ethan...the baby blogger

Robyn said...

It looks great! This is the third blog I have read about quilting lately. Maybe it is my clue to finish my eye spy quilt, or at least sew my curtains.

Paul and Susan said...

It's a beautiful quilt. I am envious that you have a skill that I have zero talent in. I liked the analogy to our lives. I needed that inspiring thought.

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