Sunday, January 17, 2010

Welcome to a New Year!

I've been a little absentee for awhile, but I'm back in the blogging game for the new year now. Here's a brief update of what I've been up to:

*I went home to California for Christmas and LOVED having everyone home, even if only for a short time. It's wonderful to be blessed with a family that I just can't get enough of. We snuggled during many movies, made a gingerbread igloo, and enjoyed some wonderful food! Here's the igloo, complete with penguins!

*While in California, we celebrated Oma's 90th birthday. Here's the whole fam--all 24 of Oma's living descendants--crowded around her. What a woman! I admire her so much.

*I've been trying to keep on top of grading at school while acting as adviser for the student talent assembly. The show is a hodgepodge of a bunch of different acts--everything from stand up comedy to modern dance to classical piano. I LOVE this part of my job. It makes my life a little crazy, but there's nothing like spending an afternoon bonding with teenagers over spotlights and blocking. The whole thing will be over Friday, and I'll be happy to relax after that.

*I'm getting a new roommate this week. Thankfully, she's one of my best friends in my ward here, so I'm sure we'll get along just fine. I feel so blessed to live with my best friends right now! --At least all the ones who are in this state and not married :)

*Speaking of roommates that ARE married, Katie Johnson (formerly Barrus) had her baby boy on Monday morning at 3:08 AM. She and her husband, Drew, were at my house on Sunday night until 10:00, and she wasn't in labor then! Apparently, she wasn't feeling well when she went home that night, and 4 hours later...voila! She had her first child! I saw him last night, and he is SOOO cute.

So, overall, I've been enjoying being social and having lots going on to keep me busy. Life is wonderful. Hope your new year is getting off to a great start, too!


Brenda said...

I thought you weren't getting a roommate until March? Well I'm glad you won't be alone anymore. I miss you guys!

Jeff said...

What a fun New Year. I thought your penguins were most excellent.