Explosive diapers changed: 2
Outfits worn by Will: 4
Feedings: 4
Times Will wanted to be fed: 1 million (approximately)
Baths for Will: 1
Showers for Mom: 1 (score one for me!)
Number of pacifiers missing: 2
Sometimes it's easy for me to get lost in the cycle of feed, bounce, sleep, change diaper, do laundry, rinse, repeat that seems to dominate my life these days. I love being a mom, but like many people, I sometimes find myself looking forward to the future. Looking forward to when Will can laugh, roll over, and mostly to when he can put his own pacifier back in his mouth.
This morning, though, I was reminded of the importance of enjoying today as I read Elder Uchdorf's message in the July Ensign. He talked about how we're always "in the middle" of life. Because of our eternal nature, we can't ever really begin or end.
"Being always in the middle means that the game is never over, hope is never lost, defeat is never final. For no matter where we are or what our circumstances, an eternity of beginnings and an eternity of endings stretch out before us."
Then, I found this on Pinterest:

Graham is wonderful and made dinner last night since Will got extremely vocal about his hunger right when I was starting to cook. He's also amazing at giving me a break in the evenings and making sure I'm taken care of. And he'll be home in four hours (not that I'm counting).
Yep. I'm blessed, and I'm loving being in the middle of life.