Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Photo-A-Day Challenge: Part 14

April 9: Nine Months
25th % for weight....75th % for height
Crawling & pulling up on furniture
Trying to eat everything his little pincer grasp can get to his mouth
Loves wrestling his brother

And, since he hit another milestone age, he had a check-up and had to get immunizations. 
Love his little Band-Aid.

April 10: Sleepy Traveler
Logan and I flew to California last weekend to attend my Oma's memorial service. This is how he (thankfully) spent most of his first flight.

April 11: Family Time
After Oma's memorial service, we had lots of time to hang out and reconnect as a family. 
What a blessing. I love these people.

April 12: Close Encounter with a Crawler
We had to pass the time in the airport somehow...

April 13: All Aboard!
He wanted to do a train this is what we made (Some days I really want to avoid doing the dishes). Now he pulls his stuffed animals around the house calling "All Aboard!"

April 14: Snow Day with Dad
Daddy went in late to work today just so he could build a snowman with his boy who was thrilled about the snow. I think they both enjoyed themselves. :)

 This boy and I stayed inside and watched from the windows.

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