Wednesday, September 17, 2014


A few weeks ago, a friend of mine challenged me to post the things I was grateful for on Facebook for a week. I could give lots of excuses why I didn't, but let's just skip all that and simply admit that I didn't fulfill the challenge. Still, it got me thinking about all the things I'm grateful for on daily basis.

I am blessed with..

Graham, who loves and supports our family and makes me laugh daily

My two little boys, who provide all the challenges, excitement, & energy I could want

Parents and siblings who have become my best friends and whom I am grateful I'll have forever

A house, car, food, and all the basics of life (and many of the luxuries) that so many in the world go without

Technology, to answer questions big and small

Faith in God, to answer everything that the internet can't

And I could go on forever.

This weekend involved a special blessing. In my faith we believe in blessing babies within the first few months of birth. The blessing is typically given by the child's father and is usually done in our church meetings. However, because of some extenuating circumstances, we decided to bless Logan at home this Sunday. It was wonderful to be surrounded by family and watch Graham take our child and promise him wonderful things from our Heavenly Father.

As I look at this tiny infant, I wonder who he will be as an adult. I wonder what his career will be, whom he will marry, and whether he will make good choices. But as he was blessed, I could imagine for a moment the man he will grow into. And that makes me smile.

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